Vegan Life

Due to health issues of my own I decided to make a major change in my life. After two and a half years of pain with no answers from the doctors and a "possibility" of a diagnosis, I needed to take matters into my own hands. I had endured chronic pain and swelling throughout my body and all of my tests results kept coming back normal. Doctors would point fingers towards Arthritis and were quick to put me on medication for it. The results were ineffective and my symptoms were quickly spreading. I was about a week away from starting weekly injections for life when I came across a posting about RA medications. The responses from people were amazing ! People who had suffered for decades and had been medicated for just as long. They were writing about how they changed their diet drastically, changed their life emotionally, added important vitamins and stopped their medications. They were now living pain free and free of disease ! I was enthralled by these findings and became hopeful of a future without pain. I went to the store the next day and bout Alicia Silverstones book "The Kind Diet" and from that day forward I became a Vegan.

It has been three months now and I must say that I feel a drastic difference in my health from where I was 6 months ago. My pain has dropped significant amounts and my emotional health is healing too.

I look forward to sharing with you my experience and research.