Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Where to start

With the birth of my son in February of 2008, I became a bit of a health nut. If you knew me before my pregnancy, then you would know that I was the furthest thing from healthy. There is nothing like motherhood to help get your irresponsible side in check ! My bad habits and unhealthy ways took a total 360 degree change over night the moment I knew I was pregnant ! After my son was born, I dedicated many many hours of research in order to make the most informed decisions as possible. My findings were astonishing. There were so many things I had been unaware of just like so many other Mommies out there! Now my son is just about 2 1/2 years old and I decided it would be wonderful if I could share some of this information with other parents out there. Wouldn't it be great if you could find answers to all of your questions in one place? Well that's my goal here.

Please realise that I will be sharing my own personal opinions in response to extensive research. I am not certified as a health professional and take no responsibility for your health or decisions made based on my findings. Please take any necessary steps to obtain additional research before making an informed decision regarding your health.